

The replica weapons used by Airsoft players are not considered weapons under the 1995 decree, but they are subject to Decree No. 99-240 of 24 March 1999 [1], which regulates the marketing of Gun replicas developing a power output exceeding mouth 0.08 joules and less than 2 joules. This decree regulates for professional distribution of these products by prohibiting the possession and use by any means whatsoever: loan, gift, lease, sale or free provision replicas of more than 0.08 joules to minors.


The game Airsoft remains an activity reserved for adults, specifically the use of a higher power replica or equal to 0.08 joule by minors is prohibited,parental permission may also not subrogate the law. Access to playgrounds must also be refused to minors, their presence in a regulated activity can be risky for the major players in case of accidents (lawsuits, insurance ...).

Under French law, a launcher projectiles whose energy developed in canon output is equal to or greater than 2 joules is 7th weapon category in accordance with Decree 95-589 of 6 May 1995. The power measurements are usually made with respect to the output speed (FPS or Feet Per Second) and the weight of the projectile (0.20 gram ball generally used for reference). Indeed it is kinetic energy.


From the point of view of the rest of the material, the use of military uniforms and effects from all sources is widespread among players, a role play peel is often one of the components parts of Airsoft. The wearing of uniform units and departments such as police, national police, has avoided since they are not allowed, otherwisehighly regulated (illegal wearing of uniform quality theft, usurpation of power) even if the game does Airsoft is played on the private domain.


[Source: legifrance.gouv.fr]
