List of products by brand Cyma Airsoft
Cyma is a renowned brand in the field of airsoft, specializing in the manufacture of replicas and accessories. Since its inception, Cyma has built a solid reputation by offering a wide range of AK models, which still remain a majority in their catalog.
However, aware of the constant evolution of the preferences of airsoft players, Cyma has diversified its offer by also offering replicas of M4, MP5, M14, G36, and many others. This diversification of models allows each player to find the replica that best suits his playing style and personal preferences.
The quality of the Cyma replicas is impeccable. Whether it’s the design, the materials used or the shooting accuracy, each replica is designed to offer an immersive and realistic experience. The meticulous details and concern for realism make each Cyma replica a true collector’s item for airsoft enthusiasts.
In addition to replicas, Cyma also offers a wide range of accessories to improve the performance of your replicas or customize your equipment. From the additional charger to the accessory rail and adjustable sticks, Cyma makes every effort to meet the needs of the most demanding players.
Whether you are a beginner or a veteran airsoft player, Cyma offers quality, reliable and efficient products to accompany you during your games. With a constant commitment to innovation and continuous improvement, Cyma remains at the forefront of the airsoft industry, always ready to offer you the best of this exciting discipline.

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M37-K Dummy Box w / Black Sheath (Cyma)

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Chamber Hop Up M4 Metal (Cyma)

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Black Stubby Stiff Grip (Cyma)

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Fuse Holder (Cyma C82)

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Side Rail AK74 (Cyma)

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Chamber Hop Up M14 (Cyma TD-01)

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Rail Booster 6 Slots Metal (Cyma)

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M14 Gatchet Block (Cyma HY125)

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Cyma Electrical Contactor MP5

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AK74 Shooting Selector (Cyma HY111)

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Dummy Baionnette BC-141 w/ OD Sheath (Cyma)

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MP5 Magazine Short Metal 240 Balls (Cyma C36)

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AK47 Shooting Selector (Cyma HY110)
Cyma Extension M037

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Dummy Baionnette BC-141 w/ Black Sheath (Cyma)
Rail Mounting MP5 (Cyma C45)

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MP5 Shooting Selector (Cyma HY115)

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Cyma Magazine AKM 550BB C42
M4 Type-C Black Stock (Cyma)

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Magazine M4 Metal 150 Rounds Black (Cyma / Snow Wolf)

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Magazine M4 Metal 300 Rounds Black (Cyma / Snow Wolf)

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1 Black Stitch Strap (Cyma)
Hi-Capa AEP Black (Cyma)

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Baionnette Factice M37-K w/ Fourreau OD (Cyma)

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Trigger AK/ Gearbox v3 (Cyma)

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Ammo Box P90 de 1500 (Cyma)

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Internal Selector G36 (Cyma)
Crane M4 stock (Cyma M004)

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Empty gearbox v7/ M14 (Cyma)

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Front Strap Clip P90 (Cyma)
Cylinder head AK47 (Cyma)

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Dummy Baionnette BC-141 w/ Desert Sheath (Cyma)

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Rail Handguard M4A1 (ASG 16932 / Cyma GH0050)
CM127 Custom AEP (Cyma)
Tactical Right Hand Picatinny Grip (Element)
Empty Gearbox v2/ M4 (Cyma)

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Flash Hider SPR (Cyma)
Trigger G36 (Cyma)

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Dummy Baionnette M10 w/ OD Sheath (Cyma)

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