This category includes replicas of guns Co2 cylinder head which is mobile, more commonly known as blowback. The principle provides greater realism because on most models, the cylinder head allows the reset of the replica on the principle of semi-automatic firing mode, as on a real weapon. The most progress has the advantage of having an adjustable hop up guns, but also the possibility to change the replica to achieve better performance and external customizations. Co2 is one of the great families in airsoft replica, you use only 12gr cartridge to propel your ball 6mm, for some, less binding than a gas cylinder. Remember to adjust the weight of your balls depending on the power of the replica, usually between 0.20gr, 0.23gr and 0.25gr. These models are usually for more regular players or seeking greater realism. The notion of "backup" is much more important because the player will usually use its co2 gun. Some models also have the opportunity to work with Co2 chargers chargers but also gas.
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Desert Eagle Gas Blowback Black (HFC)
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KP13 Co2 Blowback Black (KJ Works)
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KP13 Co2 Blowback Black & Gold (KJ Works)
Piranha MK1 Gas Black (G&G)
KJ Works Hi-Capa Gaz Noir (KP05)
WE HiCapa T.REX 5.1 Black
WE HiCapa T.REX 5.1 Silver
KJ Works CZ75 Co2 Noir (KP09)
WE 1911 Dueller Argent Gaz
M9 Gas Black (WE)
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