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Molle Pouches

The pocket Molle can be attached to any surface with soft system (jacket, backpack ...) as well as any place of molle.L'objectif support of a soft pouch is to you help to improve your fluency as well as optimize your play airsoft. You want to store, change or use chargers / replicas / Grenades / accessories? There is a soft pouch for all your needs airsoft! A wide selection is available to perfect your look Pockets Admin Molles, Radio, Charger, Granada, Utility pocket Handle, Pocket Crosse, Weapon Catch, Quiver, Bag Molle Tactical Belt, Thigh Plate, Plate Horizontal ... Phoenix Airsoft puts available quality and specially designed pockets for storage ofAirsoft Accessories.Choose Your specific soft pockets for all your wishes and have them or you like.
