Hi Capa Co2 Airsoft Replica

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Xtreme 45 Blowback Co2 (G&G)
KJ Works KP06 Co2
KJ Works Hi-Cap Co2 Black (KP05)
Short history of Hi-Capa Airsoft
Tokyo Marui Co. Ltd. is a Japanese manufacturer of miniature cars and airsoft firearms of all kinds, including handguns, automatic rifles, revolvers, machine guns, etc. Among the airsoft replicas from Tokyo Marui Co. Ltd. include the Hi-Capa airsoft. Their products are mainly sold in Japan, but are also exported worldwide. The airsoft replicas of Tokyo Marui Co. Ltd. airsoft replicas have appeared in many movies and video games. Today, other airsoft replica manufacturers also produce variants of the Hi-Capa.
The Hi Capa is originally a version of the 1911 whose initial capacity of 15 rounds was upgraded to 25 rounds. Subsequently manufacturers such as WE, a brand known to airsofters whose replicas are made in Taiwan, have undergone some cosmetic changes. Then extended to shorter versions like the 3.8, sometimes called the Baby Capa, and longer like the 7.0 mounted with a compensator. Working with the manufacturer directly, Phenix Airsoft offers a selection of Hi Capa gas models. You will also find models recognized as Hi Capa such as the KP-05, KP-06 and KP-08 from KJ Works, another manufacturer from the island of Taiwan.